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Showing posts from July, 2020

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful, Constant, and Steadfast Love and Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. Thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I want to especially pray for the total destruction of all Evil, Wicked and Demonic people(s) that are disturbing the miraculous breakthrough and the manifestation of Your Presence in my life. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful, Constant, and Steadfast Love and Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. Thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I want to especially pray for the total destruction of all Evil, Wicked and Demonic people(s) that are disturb

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Steadfast Constant and Faithful Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. Thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I pray that you shall continue to decrease while You increase to the Glory of Your Holy Name. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ Name. Amen. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Steadfast Constant and Faithful Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. Thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I pray that you shall continue to decrease while You increase to the Glory of Your Holy Name. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ Name. Amen. JESUS

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful Steadfast and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice in redeeming us with Your Precious Blood. I thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I love You so much Lord and I say I Trust in You Jesus Christ. I want to especially pray for the grace to Your Holy Will at all times according to Your Plan, Purpose for me so that Your Glory shall continue to shine on me. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU AMEN. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful Steadfast and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice in redeeming us with Your Precious Blood.

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful Love, Steadfast Love, Constant Love, and Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Power. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for redeeming me in Your Precious Blood Thank You for the grace to call You Abba Father. Thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. Thank You for my family and friends. I love you so much Lord my Blessed Savior. I pray especially today that The Holy Spirit shall continue to go ahead of me to lead me while I follow and grant me the grace to follow in humility according to Your Purpose, Plan, and Will for me. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU.   AMEN. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful Love,

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Faithful, and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I love You so much Lord for being The Way, The Trut,h and Life. Today I specially pray for the grace to follow You with all my heart, with all my being. As for me and my family we shall serve the Only Holy Most High Yahweh. I pray that The Holy Spirit shall continue to lead while I follow according to Your Plan, Will and Purpose for me. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU AMEN. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Faithful, and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I love

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your steadfast Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for redeeming us in Your Precious Blood. Abba Father I especially want to ask for the grace to follow You as The Great Loving and Caring Shepherd. Please take care of me in Your fold. Thank You for answered prayers. in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. Amen. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your steadfast Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for redeeming us in Your Precious Blood. Abba Father I especially want to ask for the grace to follow You as The Great Loving and Caring Shepherd.

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Constant Love and Faithful Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for shining Your Glory like diamonds on us. I love You so much Jesus Christ and I trust You to carry me on according to Your plan and purpose for me. Help me with the release of The Holy Spirit today in all that I do especially in the life You designed for me. Thank You for answered prayers, In Jesus Christ Almighty and All-Powerful All Miraculous Name, I pray. Amen. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Constant Love and Faithful Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for my family and friends. I th

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. Thank You for shining Your Glory on us. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ All-Powerful and Miraculous Name, I pray. Amen. Jesus, I trust in You. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. Thank You for shining Your Glory on us. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ All-Powerful and Miraculous Name, I pray. Amen. Jesus, I trust in You.

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for Your Presence in my life and endeavors. I praise Your Almighty and All Powerful name. Amen. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for Your Presence in my life and endeavors. I praise Your Almighty and All Powerful name. Amen. Action & Adventure Films, Adventure Games, Autos & Vehicles, Beaches & Islands, Blues, Books & Literature, Business News, Business Services, Celebrities & Entertainment News, Classical Music, Comedy Films, Comics & Animation, Company Size, Computer &am

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I love you so much Most Holy Trinity. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for conquering and shining Your Glory on my enemies to destroy them completely today. Today my special prayer is that The Holy Spirit shall continue to lead and I shall continue to follow. I give You All, Almighty Yahweh. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ All-Powerful and Miraculous Name, I pray. Amen. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I love you so much Most Holy Trinity. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank Yo

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for the gifts and presence of The Holy Spirit in my life in my family in my endeavors and my market-place in my country and the world. I love You so much for fulfilling all the promises You made to me. I shall continue to follow and believe in You Abba Father. I pray especially for the continuous manifestation of the prophetic creative image in me until I get to the place where you have destined for me. I shall continue to follow Your lead by Your Grace and Mercy. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. JESUS, I TRUST YOU, Amen. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I t

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for my enemies. I thank You for Your Saving Justice in fighting my battle for me and all I have to do as my work is believe in You. Almighty, Yahweh. Jesus Christ, My Blessed Saviour. Holy Spirit, my Paraclete. Abba Father my special prayer today is that You shall recover all that I have lost to the enemy and bless them with the abundance of Your vengeance and bless them with Your punishment so that they shall come to know that You are my Almighty All Powerful All Miraculous All and All. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for my family and friends

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for Your Great and Glorious Resurrection that continually bring shinning Glory to my life. My prayer earnestly is that the shinning of Your Glory which is a sign of Your Presence to repel and expel evil and wickedness in the world shall not cease. Thank You for answered prayers. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for Your Great and Glorious Resurrection that continually bring shinning Glory to my life. My prayer earnestly is that the shinning of Your Glory which is a sig

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I thank You for your Saving Justice in redeeming us with Your Blood. Abba Father I want to specially request that please do not take Your Holy Spirit away from us. I know we are not worthy and we are sinners, but please continue to send us The Holy Spirit , Our Helper, Our Comforter, Our Paraclete. In Almighty and Powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. I thank You for your Saving Justice in redeem

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your Saving Justice. JESUS I TRUST YOU! Amen. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Mercy. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for the gifts of The Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your Saving Justice. JESUS I TRUST YOU! Amen. Action & Adventure Films, Adventure Games, Autos & Vehicles, Beaches & Islands, Blues, Books & Literature, Business News, Business Services, Celebrities & Entertainment News, Classical Music, Comedy Films, Comics & Animation, Company Size, Computer &