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Showing posts from February, 2021

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Constant, Faithful and Steadfast Love.  I thank You for the Holy Spirit and I thank the Holy Spirit for His Divine and Holy Presence in our time. I thank You Jesus Vhist for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power, Your Saving Justice and Your Sufficient Grace. I thank You for my family, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. I especially want to pray for an increase in Faith to be able to carry on with Your Plan and Purpose for me to accomplish Your WIll and Desire for me. I thank You for the provision of food, shelter and clothes.  I thank You for the answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy. I than

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Constant, Steadfast, and Faithful Love.  I thank You for Your Sufficient Grace. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power. I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. I thank You for not destroying us in Your fury. I thank You for the Grace to call You Abba! Father! I pray especially today for Your Kingdom to continue to be spread and known across the ends of the earth to the Glory of Your Holy Name. I thank You for the Holy Spirit that He will lead while I follow today in Jesus Christ All Powerful, All Miraculous and Almighty Name I pray. Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a ne

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Steadfast Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Saving Justice.  I thank You for Your Redeeming Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Sufficient Grace. I thank You for Your Divine Presence in Body and Spirit. I thank You for the past week and I thank You for the new week.  I thank You for everything and I give You all the Honor, Praise, Worship, Adoration Thanksgiving and above all, all the Glory belongs to You. Thank You for the Holy Spirit, my Comforter.  Thank You for the answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Steadfast Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy.  I thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. I thank You for Your Sufficient Grace. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power and Saving Justice. Abba! Father! I pray for Grace to persevere and persist always in our relationship. I know that the amazing and mysterious relationship I enjoy with You is for the Glory of Your Holy Name.  Help me to continually work and walk towards the goal that shall bring Honor, Praise, Adoration, Worship, and Glory to Your Most Holy Name. Thank You for the answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Steadfast Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Grea

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Constant Faithful Steadfast Love. I thank You for the Holy Spirit.  I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for Your Sufficient Grace. I thank You for my families and friends. I pray for my acquaintances and my enemies. Thank You Abba! Father! For not destroying us in Your anger. I want to specially pray for Grace to live a Holy Life today to the Glory of Your Holy Name with the Working of the Holy Spirit according to Your Plan for me today. Help me to achieve Your Will for me.  Thank You for the answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Constant Faithful Steadfast

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for the Divine Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Constant Faithful Love.  I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for Your Saving Power in Your Presence. Please grant me the Grace to abide in Your Presence and seek  Your Face daily to the Glory of Your Holy Name.  Thank You for the answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for the Divine Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Constant Faithful Love.  I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for Your Saving Power in Your Presence. Please grant me the Grace to abide in Your Presence and seek  Your Face daily to the Glory of Your Holy Name.  Than

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy.  I thank You for Your Constant Faithful Love. I thank You for the Holy Spirit, my Comforter and Paraclete.  Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy.  I thank You for Your Constant Faithful Love. I thank You for the Holy Spirit, my Comforter and Paraclete.  Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Action & Adventure Films, Adventure Games, Autos & Vehicles, Beaches & Islands, Blues, Books & Literature, Business News, Busines

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Steadfast Constant and Faithful Love. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power.  I thank You for Your Sufficient Grace. I thank You for all my families and friends. I thank You for my acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. All Glory belongs to You. Abba Father I pray specially that all the visions, goals and aspirations that You show to me daily and nightly shall be put together in prayer to accomplish Your Plan, Will, Purpose, Desire and Design for me through, in and with the working of the Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus Christ for answered prayers. Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Steadfast Constant and Faithful Lov

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal  Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast, and Constant Love.  I thank You for the Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Precious Blood and Body. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. Thank You for not destroying us in Your anger. I thank You for Your Presence in our time. Abba! Father! I want to specially pray for the continual manifestation of Your Glory in my life so that Your Divine Light shall lead sinners to You, Lord and drive away all Evil, Wickedness and Demons completely. All to the Glory of Your Most Holy Name.  Thank You for the answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I than