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Showing posts from June, 2021

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You Jesus Christ, my Good Master, my Lord and my God. I thank You Holy Spirit, my Surest Companion, my Helper and Teacher. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Constant, Steadfast, and Faithful Love. I thank You for Sufficient Grace and SAVING JUSTICE. I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power. I thank You for Your Presence in the Holy Eucharist. I thank you for the gifts of Your Mother, Our Mother also, Blessed Virgin Mary. I thank You for my Parents, Brothers, Sisters, families, Friends, Acquaintances and I pray for my enemies. I thank You for another great invaluable devotion/time in Your Presence. Thank You for answered prayers. Today, I pray that Your Glory Shall Shine Bright like diamond on us Your Faithful so that all wickedness, evils, idols, gods, shall be completely des

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You Jesus Christ. I thank You Holy Spirit. I thank You for All. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant love. I thank You for SAVING JUSTICE. I thank You for the Sufficient Grace You grant us. Thank You for my families, friends, and I pray for quick conversion of my enemies. Thank you for answered prayers. Today, I pray for the Strength and Courage to continually follow Your Way that Leads to Salvation to the Glory of Your Most Holy Name in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS CHRIST I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You Jesus Christ. I thank You Holy Spirit. I thank You for All. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Faithful and Constant love. I thank You for SAVING JUSTICE. I thank You for the Sufficient G

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy and Your Constant Love. I thank You for not destroying us in Your Anger. Thank You for restoring us according to Your Promises. I am Hopeful and Faithful in You because of the Strength and Courage of the Holy Spirit Living in, with, and through me. All to the Glory of Your Most Holy Name. Thank you for answering prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen. JESUS CHRIST I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy and Your Constant Love. I thank You for not destroying us in Your Anger. Thank You for restoring us according to Your Promises. I am Hopeful and Faithful in You because of the Strength and Courage of the Holy Spirit Living in, with, and through me. All to the Glory of Your Most Holy Name. Thank you for answering pray

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You Jesus Christ my Lord and my God. I thank You Holy Spirit, my Surest Companion and my Best Teacher. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Constant and Faithful Love. I thank You for Your Sufficient Grace. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power. I thank You for Instituting the Holy Eucharist and I thank You for all the Graces conferred on me from my childhood till date for beholding Your Presence. Thank You for my Parents, Siblings, Families, Friends, Acquaintances and I pray for the quick conversion of my enemies all to the Glory of Your Most Holy Name. Thank You for answered prayers and I specially ask that Your Holy Spirit shall continually Increase while I decrease in humility. Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer   Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You Jesus Christ. My Lord and my God. I thank You Holy Spirit, my Paraclete, and Comforter. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Constant and Faithful Love. I thank You for Your Saving Justice and sufficient Grace. I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for the Holy Eucharist. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power. I thank You for the gift of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Your Mother and Our Mother also. I thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for my enemies and I pray for my enemies. Abba Father, today I praise You for all the answered prayers from my childhood till date and I give You all the Glory, Honor, Praise, Worship, Adoration, Thanksgiving. Thank You for the Grace to call You Abba! Father! In Jesus Christ Name. Amen. JESUS CHRIST I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father,

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of the new life and a new beginning. I thank You Jesus Christ. I thank You Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Constant and Faithful Love. I thank You for Your Sufficient Grace and Saving Justice. I thank You for Your Presence in Our time. I thank You for not turning Your Face away from us. I know that You do not want evil in Your Sight, even though we are of an evil generation, but You still care so much for us. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power and Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I thank You for answered prayers. Abba Father, I am not forgetting to thank You for my families, friends, acquaintances and I pray for the quick conversion of my enemies to the Glory of Your Most Holy Name. I thank You for the Grace to spend quality time in your Presence. It is wonderful to spend time with You. Al