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New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer   Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Faithful , Steadfast, and Constant Love.   I thank You for my families and friends.     I thank You for the grace to call You Abba Father.   I thank You for Your Saving Justice.   I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood.   I thank You for instituting the Holy Eucharist.   I thank You for the Sacraments, more especially, the Sacrament of Reconciliation.   I thank You for not destroying me in your anger but through Your Divine Mercy, granted me so much Sufficient Grace to the Glory of Your Holy Name.   I want to invite Specially Holy Spirit today into the hearts, life and endeavors of my parents and sibling, I pray for Your Divine Encounter so that through You, in You and with You, we can achieve the design, purpose, will and plan of Almighty Yahweh in al

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer   Abba   Father I thank You in a special Grace today for so much that I am so overwhelmed and I cannot tell it all, but in Truth and Sincerity, I have this gifts of a new day and another beginning through the revival, restoration, renewal, reawakening, upliftment, repentance, righteousness, peace, and so much more that I have received from you today.   Abba Father, You keep strengthening me with the Power of the Holy Spirit and You fill me with gifts of the Holy Spirit for Your Bright Shining Glory and so much more.   I am so grateful, so appreciative of Your Divine Touch, Divine Encounter, Divine Healing, Steadfast Love, Divine Mercy, Saving Justice, Saving Help for this and much more I give You ALL.   Thank You Abba Father, Thank You, Jesus Christ, Thank You Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.   JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN! Abba   Father I thank You in a special Grace today for so much that I am

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning.   I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy.   I thank You for Your Precious Blood.   I thank You for Your Saving Justice.   I thank You for your Redeeming Power.   Abba Father, I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast, and Constant Love.   I thank You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.   I thank You for Love, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Discernment, Wisdom, Piety, Fear of Almighty Yahweh, Compassion.   I thank You for the increase in the fruits of the Holy Spirit.   I thank You for Patience, Contentment, Peace, Righteousness, Endurance, Faith, and Strengthened believe.   Thank You Abba Father for the Sacred Sacrifice of my Personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and for His unfailing love in all that I do.   All Glory to You Most Holy Trinity, Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray.

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning.   I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy.   I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast, and Constant Love.   I thank You for the Grace to call You Abba Father, I love You so much.   Thank You for the continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit.   Thank You for the gifts and fruits, I give You all because it all belongs to You.   Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.   JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning.   I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy.   I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast, and Constant Love.   I thank You for the Grace to call You Abba Father, I love You so much.   Thank You for the continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit.   Thank You for the gifts and fruits, I give You all because it all belongs

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer   Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning.   I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy.   I thank You for Your Steadfast, Faithful, and Constant Love.   I thank You for my family, friends, and acquaintances.   I thank You for the Holy Spirit.   I thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.   JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU.AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning.   I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy.   I thank You for Your Steadfast, Faithful, and Constant Love.   I thank You for my family, friends, and acquaintances.   I thank You for the Holy Spirit.   I thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.   JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU.AMEN. Action & Adventure Films, Adventure Games, Autos & Vehicles, Beaches & Islands, Blues, Books & Literature, Business News, Busin

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer   Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning.   I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy.   I thank You for my family and friends and acquaintances.   I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast, and Constant Love.   I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood.   I thank You for Your Saving Justice and Your Redeeming Power.   I thank You for not destroying us in your anger.   I thank You for the Holy Spirit and I thank You Holy Spirit.   Abba Father, I pray especially today for the continuous manifestation of the promises and fulfillment of Almighty Yahweh instructions in my life, the manifestation of Almighty Yahweh Glory, Miracles, Breakthrough, Repentance, Upliftment, Uprightness, All to the Glory of Almighty God the Father Almighty God the Son Almighty God the Holy Spirit.   Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen.   JESUS,

New Prayer Journal

  New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning.   I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy.   I thank You for Your Steadfast, Faithful, and Constant Love.   I thank You for Your Saving Justice for Your Redeeming Power and Your Precious Body and Blood.   I thank You for the Holy Spirit.   I thank You for all the gifts and lavish blessings You bestow upon me day and night without season and without ceasing.   Thank You for my family, friends, and acquaintances.   I thank You for not destroying us in your anger.   Thank You for the grace to fellowship with the Holy Spirit today to the Plan, Design, Purpose and Will you have for me, continue to increase while I decrease, continue to be Great while I stay humble.   Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.   JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life