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New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Faithful Love. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for the Grace to call You Abba Father. I am full of Joy today and I pray that you enrich me with your Kindness to act Goodness. Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.     JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! AMEN! Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Faithful Love. I thank You for my family and friends. I thank You for the Grace to call You Abba Father. I am full of Joy today and I pray that you enrich me with your Kindness to act Goodness. Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.    

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for The Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for not destroying us in your anger. Have Mercy on All that I do today.   Help me to stay close to You as You continue to lead while I follow. Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.     JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU: AMEN. Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for The Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Divine Great Mercy. I thank You for Your Steadfast, Faithful and Constant Love. I thank You for not destroying us in your anger. Have Mercy on All that I do today.   Help me to stay close to You as You continue to lead while I follow. Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.     JES

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for the Great Divine Mercy. I thank   You for Your Constant, Faithful and Steadfast Love. I thank You for Your Abundant Grace which is sufficient for us in my family among my friends and enemies and the acquaintances I encounter in my life journey. I thank You for Your Precious Body and blood, Your Redeeming Power and Saving Justice. Thank You for the Grace to call You Abba Father.     I especially pray for Abundant and Lavish presence of Your Divine Peace in the world and not the Peace that the world offers but The One that comes from Jesus Christ. Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.     JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! AMEN! Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for the Great Divine Mercy. I thank   You for Your Constant, Faithful and Steadfa

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer   Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast, and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Saving Power, Your Redeeming Precious Body and Blood and The Grace of The Holy Spirit.   I love You so much Abba Father and I pray for the Grace to continually enjoy Your Joy. The Joy that The Holy Spirit brings. The Joy of The Lord, The Joy of The Lord is my strength. Strengthen me with Your Love.   All Glory to Your Most Holy Name in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.   JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! AMEN! Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast, and Constant Love. I thank You for Your Saving Power, Your Redeeming Precious Body and Blood and The Grace of The Holy Spirit.   I love You so much

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power. I thank You for Your Sanctifying Grace and Sufficient Grace. I thank You for the Comfort of The Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast and Constant Love. I thank You for not destroying us in Your anger or fury. I thank You for my family, friends and acquaintances. I thank You for Your Divine Presence in our lives.   All Glory to You Most Holy Trinity   Abba Father I want to put this new week into Your Hands and I pray that You continue to release The Holy Spirit of The Almighty Yahweh to us to continue to lead while I follow. Grant me the Grace of Humility in All my endeavors.   All Glory to Your Most Holy Name. Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.   JESUS,

New Prayer Journal

New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer   Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for The Holy Spirit. I thank You for Your Faithful, Steadfast, Constant, Joyful Love. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for Your Precious Body and Blood. I thank You for Your Saving Justice. I thank You for Your Redeeming Power. I thank You for not destroying us in Your anger.   All Glory belongs to You Abba Father, Jesus Christ My Sacred Savior, Holy Spirit my Comforter.   I especially pray for Joy, The Joy of The Lord, I pray that The Joy of The Lord shall strengthen me and be my stronghold in All that I shall to today.   I equally pray for my family, that whatever we may be going through right now, that the Joy of the Lord shall strengthen us.   Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.     JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! AMEN!   Abba Father I thank You for the gifts of

New Prayer Journal

 New Prayer Journal   Abba Father Thank You For Answered Prayer Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Constant, Faithful, and Steadfast Love. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for the Holy Spirit. I thank You for my family, friends, and acquaintances. I thank You for redeeming us in Your Precious Body and Blood.   I thank You for another weekend.   Take All the Glory and All Praise and All the Thanksgiving for answered prayers in All Miraculous and Powerful Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen     JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU! AMEN. Abba Father, I thank You for the gifts of a new life and a new beginning. I thank You for Your Constant, Faithful, and Steadfast Love. I thank You for Your Great Divine Mercy. I thank You for the Holy Spirit. I thank You for my family, friends, and acquaintances. I thank You for redeeming us in Your Precious Body and Blood.   I thank You for another weekend.